March 10, 2025

10th March 2025


Anne Shaw

Executive Director Transport for West Midlands

16 Summer Lane


B19 3SD


Re: Kings Heath Railway Station Road and Footpath Closures


Dear Ms Shaw,

I am writing to you on behalf of the Board of Directors of Enjoy Kings Heath, the Business Improvement District for this part of the city.

We directly represent over 300 local businesses that pay us an annual BID levy, but beyond that we have a concern for the residents, visitors, employees, school children and everyone else who passes through or visits Kings Heath.

While we welcome and fully support the new railway station that is finally coming to Kings Heath, we have some serious concerns regarding some forthcoming works which will impact on Kings Heath High Street.

It has come to our attention that for at least five weeks, from Sunday 23rd March, there will be temporary traffic signals at the junction of the High Street and Queensbridge Road, along with a closure to vehicles from the High Street of Valentine Road.

These planned works will have major implications, and we would like to know:

· How these works were consulted on.

· Why we only found out about this via social media.

· What consideration has been given to businesses and residents who live and work on Valentine Road, Ashfield Avenue and Ashfield Road.

· What consideration has been given to the knock-on effects of the closure to Heathfield, Institute and Addison Roads.

· Why a temporary, three-way traffic control needs to be installed at a location that already has a three-way traffic control.

· The purpose for which a secondary, albeit significant, road needs to be closed to vehicles for five weeks.

· The consideration that has been given to the safety of the hundreds of school children who pass that junction twice a day.

· And, therefore, why these works could not be carried out during school holidays.

As you will understand, if the first point, that of local consultation, had been adequately carried out, most of the rest of these concerns would have been addressed in advance of the works being publicised.

We would also request that, until we and all sections of the Kings Heath community feel that they have had the proper consultation and consideration, these works be postponed or suitable alternatives considered.

I look forward to hearing back from you in order that we can reassure our local community.

Yours sincerely,

Ian Vesey

Chair, Enjoy Kings Heath



Richard Parker, Mayor of the West Midlands

Councillor John cotton, Leader, Birmingham City Council


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